Fundraising Forum - Register your interest

Join one of our fundraising forums for inspiration and advice

Our in-person forums bring together fellow fundraisers for a half day of networking , learning, and support. Hear from a sector expert on a key subject impacting the charity/fundraising sector. Find out more about the valuable support The Benefact Group provides to charities and other charitable organisations, including our current offering and any exciting new initiatives. Connect with other passionate fundraisers, share best practices and leave feeling energised and better equipped to make a greater impact.

Our fundraising forums take place in one of our group’s offices in the locations below. Simply tick which location you wish to attend, and we will add you to the invite list. We typically issue invites 6 weeks prior. Spaces are limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis so make sure you are on the list and respond promptly when invited.

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Which dates are you interested in attending?(Required)
If you have any questions regarding the fundraising forums please email -
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